Imagine a speaker series designed specifically for K12 youth and their parents. One that illuminates and celebrates revolutionaries in the fields of science, technology, engineering, art and math...
Creators Camp fireside
Creators Camp Fireside is a speakers series designed to bring America's young, emerging creators and innovators face-to-face with marketplace professionals. Fireside gives youth and their parents the opportunity to learn more about the unconventional and often unseen professions within the science, technology, engineering, arts and math disciplines.
Each Fireside event host one professional from the fields of: Science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM). In an "interview style" format, Creators Camp Fireside Experience Engineers and Facilitators will direct a conversation that illuminates the day-to-day lives of the creative, innovative minds behind organizations like DreamWorks and Disney, and the trailblazing Entrepreneurs that are redefining the future of work.
Stay Connected
To stay notified, and "in-the-loop" as it pertains to Creators Camp Fireside experiences, make sure you join a Creators Camp cohort. You will be assigned a Cohort Guide and a Creator Camp Camp Chief!